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The Attention-driven Business – How to Consciously Generate Attention in the Marketplace 

Every business is the same in some respect; they need a steady supply of customers to flourish. And once they’ve got the customers, they still need to keep them to experience sustainable business growth. And this demands drawing the attention of the prospective customers and also keeping the attention of existing customers.

Attention is what every business lives and dies for. We all are in what I chose to call the attention business. The cash flowing into your business presently is in direct proportion to the quality of attention you are generating from the marketplace.

In today’s business environment, attention is money. Big money! What most businesses are competing for day in, day out is nothing but attention. And those who know how to engender enough of it smile to the bank. I know you need attention as much as I do, whether as a person or in your business.

Basically, attention comes from what and how you are communicating to your target market and the quality of what you are getting in return from them. But it requires skill and creativity for you to keep expanding your corporate attention-sphere. The higher the numbers of those you have in that sphere, the stronger your business position in the marketplace.

Chris Guillebeau, an American entrepreneur, and author understood this and remarked, ‘Whether you have a website or a storefront, without people who regularly drop by to see your offer, you have no business. Traffic means attention’. Remember, big attention means big money, and small attention means small cash-flow.

Come to think of it, those we celebrate in our society are people that have uncommon attention from the media (and from the public) than an average person on the street or within that locality or society. Similarly, to run a celebrated business, it has to get unusual attention in the marketplace different from those of the competition. It is only then that you can enjoy the market blessings. And the question would be how we do that amid a massive chorus of tough competitors?

Once you have a stable base of attention, you’ll want to look closely at the conversion rate i.e. the percentage of prospects who become your customers. And one principal way an enterprise can stimulate attention is by increasing its level of visibility. In the world of business, the power of visibility can never be underestimated as visibility is everything.

Someone once said, ‘Cultivate visibility because attention is currency’. The ultimate purpose of the visible positioning of any product or service is to engender adequate attention.

It is the business that people see and hear often that they are drawn to. Visibility of any kind is suggestive; it creates a sort of subtle prompting, and sometimes a reminder whenever we think of using a variety of service or product that falls within that category. Great businesses understand this secret and they are taking advantage of it daily. Traffic means attention, and money flows where attention goes!

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